In my application I have an embedded MSHTML control. The problem is that I cannot set focus to this control. I can click, select, push buttons etc, but it won't accept keyboard input and mouse wheel notifications as a result. Even left-clicks on the control do not set the focus. (The question is related to this issue.)
Ultimately, I've tried 4 approaches. (Error handling is omitted here for brevity.) The first is sending WM_SETFOCUS to the control.
HWND iehwnd = ::FindWindowEx (m_oleObjectHWND, NULL,
L"Shell DocObject View", NULL);
if(iehwnd != NULL)
iehwnd = ::FindWindowEx (iehwnd, NULL, L"Internet Explorer_Server", NULL);
if(iehwnd != NULL)
::PostMessage(iehwnd, WM_SETFOCUS, (WPARAM)GetHWND(), NULL);
Using Winspector, I made sure that the messages came through to the control's window, but it seems to ignore them.
The second is calling the focus() method of IHtmlWindow2.
IHTMLDocument2* pHTMLDoc2 = NULL;
IHTMLWindow2* pWindow = 0;
This time, I get E_FAIL from focus().
MSDN says that the call may fail when the document hasn't loaded, but pHTMLDoc2->get_readyState() returns "complete". So this isn't the case.
The third is doing the UIACTIVATE verb.
hret = m_oleObject->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_UIACTIVATE, NULL,
clientSite, 0, (HWND)GetHWND(), &posRect);
This seems to achieve nothing.
The fourth is calling focus() of IHtmlDocument4.
IDispatch* pdisp = NULL;
IHTMLDocument4* pHTMLDoc4 = NULL;
pdisp->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument4, (void**)(&pHTMLDoc4));
Does nothing.
I've spent a full day on this already and know google's links by heart now :) Hoping for a hint from experts.
Finally found it.
This function in my code (or rather the IEHtmlWin component for the wxWidgets library) returned S_FALSE. I changed the return code to S_OK - and voila...
HRESULT FS_IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::RequestUIActivate() { return S_OK; }