I'm trying to send a saved string to the apple watch with WCsession methode. But when I do this I get an error in swift 2.3: fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an optional value !!
func Reloadip() {
let ip = nsdefauts.object(forKey: saved)
let requestValues = ["send" : "A" , "IP" : ip as! String ]
session!.sendMessage(requestValues, replyHandler: nil, errorHandler: nil)
print("sended ip")
the error is made at the "ip as! String line" how can I fix this. ?
regards Quinn
You should use more safe code instead
func Reloadip() {
guard let ip = nsdefauts.objectForKey(saved) as? String else {
print("there is no saved ip")
let requestValues = ["send" : "A" , "IP" : ip]
session?.sendMessage(requestValues, replyHandler: nil, errorHandler: nil)
print("sended ip")