I have a table like this
local ftable = {
getPinId = app.getPinId
ftable is passed to another function which exports it as a RPC interface. This works but now I want to add function call tracing to a log file.
The simple approach is
local ftable = {
getPinId = function(...) print("getPinId") app.getPinId(...) end
But, this is not particularly nice. I'd like to put something like:
local trace = function(func, ...)
return function(...) print(func) func(...) end
local ftable = {
getPinId = trace(app.getPinId)
But this doesn't produce quite the desired result. The parameters are not being passed through.
One other option is to use a metatable like this:
local ftable = {}
setmetatable(ftable, {
__index = function(_, k)
printf("Call: app.%s\n", k) return app[k] end
Which works. But I'd also like to be able to print the parameters that are passed if possible.
Any suggestions? I'm exclusively using luajit if that makes any difference.
Wrapping a function call is easy in Lua:
local function wrap( f )
local function after( ... )
-- code to execute *after* function call to f
print( "return values:", ... )
return ...
return function( ... )
-- code to execute *before* function call to f
print( "arguments:", ... )
return after( f( ... ) )
local function f( a, b, c )
return a+b, c-a
local f_wrapped = wrap( f )
f_wrapped( 1, 2, 3 )
Output is:
arguments: 1 2 3
return values: 3 2
One problem for logging/tracing is that Lua values (including functions) don't have names themselves. The debug library tries to find suitable names for functions by inspecting how they are called or where they are stored, but if you want to make sure, you'll have to supply a name yourself. However, if your functions are stored in (nested) tables (as indicated in a comment), you could write a function that iterates the nested tables, and wraps all functions it finds using the table keys as names:
local function trace( name, value )
local t = type( value )
if t == "function" then -- do the wrapping
local function after( ... )
print( name.." returns:", ... )
return ...
return function( ... )
print( "calling "..name..":", ... )
return after( value( ... ) )
elseif t == "table" then -- recurse into subtables
local copy = nil
for k,v in pairs( value ) do
local nv = trace( name.."."..tostring( k ), v )
if nv ~= v then
copy = copy or setmetatable( {}, { __index = value } )
copy[ k ] = nv
return copy or value
else -- other values are ignored (returned as is)
return value
local ftable = {
getPinId = function( ... ) return "x", ... end,
nested = {
getPinId = function( ... ) return "y", ... end
local ftableTraced = trace( "ftable", ftable )
ftableTraced.getPinId( 1, 2, 3 )
ftableTraced.nested.getPinId( 2, 3, 4 )
Output is:
calling ftable.getPinId: 1 2 3
ftable.getPinId returns: x 1 2 3
calling ftable.nested.getPinId: 2 3 4
ftable.nested.getPinId returns: y 2 3 4
Some things to be aware of: