I were following this website guide on setting up fastlane with hockeyapp but I encountered error
:BUILD_NUMBER=>"There does not seem to be a CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION key set for this project. Add this key to your target's expert build settings."}
I have created build_number_icon.rb in actions folder and I even tried to hardcode the build_number and test run the fastlane. Still getting the same error. Am I missing something? I have been reading the guides again just in case I have missed the steps.
# Build and publish the Beta version to Hockeyapp
lane :beta_hockeyapp do
# Build
# Not a production release, so add build number and do the color modulation of the icons
# Modulate the colors of the icons by these degrees
# Change the app name
app_name:"<App Name>",
# Set the app id
# Set the path to the certificate to use in building
# Set the password of the p12 certificate file
# Set the path to the provisioning profile to use (change this!)
# What configuration to use, usefull for keeping different API keys etc between environments
configuration:"[INT] <project_name>",
# Use this codesigning identity (this is the name of the certificate in your keychain)
codesigning_identity:"Project Distribution",
# Export an enterprise app
# the projectname, this is the name of the .xcodeproj file and the folder containing your code in the project
# the scheme to build
# the build number to use, we use the build number from Jenkins
build_number: "1234" || ENV["BUILD_NUMBER"]
# Push to Hockeyapp as Beta release
publish_hockey(release_type: "0")
Fixed the error when you need to set a number at project's build settings > Current project version.