All of this is done in Matlab. I have a 2D RGB image, with some depth data for key vertexes. That is, I have three vectors (m x 1): X, Y, Z. Together, [X(i), Y(i)] specifies the point in the image with depth Z(i).
The crux of my problem is this:
I would like to plot the image "warped" with the depth information. But, each time I keep calling functions like 'mesh(X,Y,Z,RGBImage)' and 'surf', I get weird errors like "Z need to be matrix not vector". Also, I haven't even been able to implement the 'warp' function, as I am not sure how to translate my data into a usable format.
Any help would be really appreciated.
EDIT: I finally got it to work the way I would like. The only thing that needed to be changed, that was not answered, was to include the line
s = surf(Xmat,Ymat,Zmat, T1, 'edgecolor', 'none', 'FaceColor', ...
T1 = rgb2gray(OrignialRGBImage);
. Much thanks!
I don't have access to MATLAB right now, so I am giving the outline of the solution.
First, create two matrices using meshgrid: [Xmat,Ymat] = meshgrid(1:imgCols,1:imgRows);
. Now, you can find every row of [X,Y]
at [Xmat(i,j),Ymat(i,j)]
for some (i,j)
. In the next step, create Zmat
such that Zmat(i,j)
is the correct depth value for [Ymat(i,j),Xmat(i,j)]
. You should be able to do this as follows:
Zmat = zeros(imgRows,imgCols);
for i=1:size(X,1)
Now you can do surf
with Xmat,Ymat,Zmat
as follows. Then overlay image as texture.
s = surf(Xmat,Ymat,Zmat);
set(s, 'faceColor', 'texture','edgecolor', 'none','cdata', subimage); %not tested,
%see if it works
Overlaying part taken from here.
If the above part doesn't work, then you can overlay Zmat
in the heatmap style, see this question.