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BigDecimal to SQL NUMBER: check for value larger than precision

In my app, I handle numbers as BigDecimal and store them as NUMBER(15,5). Now I'd need to properly check on Java if the BigDecimal values would fit the column, so that I can generate proper error messages without executing the SQL, catching exceptions and verifying the vendor error code. My database is Oracle 10.3, and such errors cause error 1438.

After some googling, I found no such code for that, so I came up with my own. But I'm really unsatisfied with this code... simple, but at the same time simple enough to doubt its correctness. I tested it with many values, random ones and boundaries, and it seems to work. But as I'm really bad with numbers, I'd like some more robust and well-tested code.

//no constants for easier reading
public boolean testBigDecimal(BigDecimal value) {
    if (value.scale() > 5)
        return false;
    else if (value.precision() - value.scale() > 15 - 5)
        return false;
        return true;

Edit: Recent tests did not got an exception for numbers out of scale, just got silently rounded, and I'm not sure what is different between not and when I made these first tests. Such rounding is unacceptable because the application is financial, and any rounding/truncation must be explicit (through BigDecimal methods). Exception-is-gone aside, this test method must assure that the number is not too large for the desired precision, even if by non-significant digits. Sorry about the late clarification.

Thanks for your time.

I'm still curious about this question. My code is still running, and I haven't got some "proof" of correctness or fail situation, or some standard code for this kind of test.

So, I'm putting a bounty on it, hopefully getting any of these.


  • Well, since nobody came up with another solution, I'm leaving the code as it is.

    I couldn't make this precision/scale test fail, and it always matched the regex solution, so maybe both are correct (I tested the boundaries and with over 5M randomly generated values). I'll use the precision/scale solution, as it is over 85% faster, and may it fail I replace it.

    Thanks for your replies Tony.

    My previous "answer", still here for history purposes, but I'm looking for a real answer =)