Looking for a good way to return the results of all classes with missing definitions in a very large ontology. I'm using SPARQL Query in Protege 5.0. I can also use the DL query, but I'm not familiar with this one.
I tried to do a FILTER regex "definition", but it returned nothing. And if I do end up with all the classes that HAVE definitions, how would I be able to reverse that to return all that don't?
I'm happy to provide more detail if necessary, but I can't think of anything else at the moment.
If you want to find resources that don't have a value for a particular property, you can do it as in the following query. I don't know what definition property you're using (since you didn't mention it in the question), so you'd have to replace the <http://…/definition> in this query with the actual property that you're interested in.
select ?class {
{ ?class a owl:Class }
{ ?class <http://.../definition> ?def }