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PyODBC, cursor.execute() won't insert parameters into SQL String

I am using pypyodbc to insert data into a database and when I use the cursor.execute() command I try to put the sql string and the parameters, but I get the following error:

     SELECT uid FROM HP_DATA WHERE( hpName = ? AND processID = ? AND ipAddress = ? AND port = ? AND usernameTried = ? AND passwordTried = ? AND fileID = ?);
    INSERT INTO HP_DATA_LOGIN_DETAIL(uid, attackDate, gmtOffset) VALUES(?, CONVERT(DATETIME, ?, 126), ?);
    ('22007', '[22007] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.')

This is my code:

    # Inserting the info of the file that is read into HP_DATA_LOG
                    #   This is supposed to allow us to check in the future, what files are read/unread
                    print("Inserting File data into HP_DATA_LOG...")
                    log_file_date_read =
                    log_file_date_added = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(path)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
                    file_size = os.path.getsize(path)
                    #log_sql = "INSERT INTO HP_DATA_LOG(dateRead, dateAdded, fileName, fileSize) VALUES("
                    #log_sql += "'" + str(log_file_date_read) + "', "
                    #log_sql += "'" + str(log_file_date_added) + "', "
                    #log_sql += "'" + path + "', "
                    #log_sql += "" + str(file_size) + ");"
                    log_params = (log_file_date_read, log_file_date_added, file_name, file_size)
                    log_sql = '''INSERT INTO HP_DATA_LOG(dateRead, dateAdded, fileName, fileSize) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);'''
                    cursor.execute(log_sql, log_params)

                    # Getting the auto-generated fileID from the table
                    print("Getting fileID...")
                    #get_fileID_sql = "SELECT fileID FROM HP_DATA_LOG WHERE "
                    #get_fileID_sql += "(dateRead = '" + str(log_file_date_read) + "'"
                    #get_fileID_sql += " AND dateAdded = '" + str(log_file_date_added) + "'"
                    #get_fileID_sql += " AND fileName = '" + path + "'"
                    #get_fileID_sql += " AND fileSize = '" + str(file_size) + "');"
                    fileID_params = (log_file_date_read, log_file_date_added, file_name, file_size)
                    get_fileID_sql = '''SELECT fileID FROM HP_DATA_LOG WHERE (dateRead = ? AND dateAdded = ? AND fileName = ? AND fileSize = ?);'''
                    cursor.execute(get_fileID_sql, fileID_params)
                    fileID = cursor.fetchone()

                    # Logging the attack by Inserting the HoneyPot data into HP_DATA
                    hp_name = re.findall('-\d\d:\d\d\s(.*)\ssshd', line)
                    pid = re.findall('\ssshd-22\[(\d+)\]', line)
                    ip_add = re.findall('\sIP:\s(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)\s', line)
                    port = re.findall('\s.\d+\sPass(.*)Log\s', line)
                    if port == "2222":
                        port = '2222'
                        port = '22'
                    username = re.findall('\sUsername:\s(.*)\sPas', line)
                    password = re.findall('\sPassword:\s(.*)', line)
                    #sql = "INSERT INTO HP_DATA(hpName, processID, ipAddress, port, usernameTried, passwordTried, fileID) VALUES("
                    #sql += "'" + hp_name[0] + "', "
                    #sql += str(int(pid[0])) + ", "
                    #sql += "'" + ip_add[0] + "', "
                    #sql += str(port) + ", "
                    #sql += "'" + username[0] + "', "
                    #sql += "'" + password[0] + "', "
                    #sql += str(list(fileID)[0]) + ");"
                    sql_params = (hp_name[0], pid[0], ip_add[0], port, username[0], password[0], fileID[0])
                    sql = '''INSERT INTO HP_DATA(hpName, processID, ipAddress, port, usernameTried, passwordTried, fileID) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);'''
                    cursor.execute(sql, sql_params)

                    #user_sql = r"SELECT uid FROM HP_DATA WHERE("
                    #user_sql += "hpName = '" + hp_name[0] + "' AND "
                    #user_sql += "processID = " + str(int(pid[0])) + " AND "
                    #user_sql += "ipAddress = '" + ip_add[0] + "' AND "
                    #user_sql += "port = " + str(port) + " AND "
                    #user_sql += r"usernameTried = '" + username[0] + "' AND "
                    #user_sql += r"passwordTried = '" + password[0] + "' AND "
                    #user_sql += "fileID = " + str(list(fileID)[0]) + ");"
                    user_sql_params = (hp_name[0], pid[0], ip_add[0], port, username[0], password[0], fileID[0])
                    user_sql = '''SELECT uid FROM HP_DATA WHERE( hpName = ? AND processID = ? AND ipAddress = ? AND port = ? AND usernameTried = ? AND passwordTried = ? AND fileID = ?);'''
                    cursor.execute(user_sql, user_sql_params)
                    uid = cursor.fetchone()

                    # Inserting date and time information in order to prevent duplicates
                    attack_date = re.findall('(\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d)T', line)
                    timestamp = re.findall('T(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d.*).*-.*sshd', line)
                    attack_datetime = attack_date[0] + "T" + timestamp[0] + ".000"
                    gmt_offset = re.findall('\d\d:\d\d:\d\d.*-(\d\d:\d\d)\s', line)
                    #hp_detail_sql = r"INSERT INTO HP_DATA_LOGIN_DETAIL(uid, attackDate, attackTime, gmtOffset) VALUES("
                    #hp_detail_sql += "" + str(uid[0]) + ", "
                    #hp_detail_sql += "'" + attackDate[0] + "', "
                    #hp_detail_sql += "'" + timestamp[0] + "', "
                    #hp_detail_sql += "'" + gmt_offset[0] + "');"
                    hp_detail_sql_params = (uid[0], attack_datetime[0], gmt_offset[0])
                    hp_detail_sql = '''INSERT INTO HP_DATA_LOGIN_DETAIL(uid, attackDate, gmtOffset) VALUES(?, ?, ?);'''
                    cursor.execute(hp_detail_sql, hp_detail_sql_params)
        print("Executed insert statements")


  • Use datetime.strptime() to convert the attack_datetime value to a datetime object before passing the value to SQL Server.

    For example, passing a datetime formatted string fails with the same error message you receive

    # assumes connection and cursor objects initialized
    create_date_str = "2016-06-16T01:23:45.67890"
    sql = "select name, create_date from sys.databases where create_date = ?"
    rows = cursor.execute(sql, create_date_str).fetchall()


    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in pyodbc.DataError: ('22007', '[22007] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. (241) (SQLExecDirectW)')

    While converting the datetime string to a datetime object succeeds

    # convert datetime string to object, specifying input format
    create_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(create_date_str, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')
    rows = cursor.execute(sql, create_date).fetchall()