here's the problem i have.Before OneDrive changed the url's it was easy to force a file to be downloaded from cURL, but now since they've changed their URL's construction i can't use the previous approach of replacing redir? with download?. That's how they used to be constructed:
To make it start downloading immediately we just had to replace the redir with download like this
and that was fixing it at all, but now the url's are like this:!AsdMSpdm_dmsadMSda
So, my question is how can i download the file from cURL, i cannot do that even with CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, it is only working if the file is forced to be downloaded. Thanks in advance!
There are two options. The "right" way to do this would be to encode the full sharing URL following the details described here and then construct a URL like this:{encodedUrl}/root/content
Which will download the contents of the shared file at the URL. Option #2 is to splice the URL up and grab the path segment that starts with s!
and just use that in the same place as the encoded Url:!.../root/content
Either way, you can then use cURL to download the content of the file.