I have the following .bat snippet
echo about to start echoing, Errorlevel=%Errorlevel%
echo. >> ../time.txt
echo Just echod a new line into time.txt, Errorlevel=%Errorlevel%
echo | set/p=start=%time%, >> ../time.txt
echo about to start with emake, Errorlevel=%ERRORLEVEL%
The output is:
about to start echoing, Errorlevel=0
Just echod a new line into time.txt, Errorlevel=0
about to start with emake, Errorlevel=1
Why is the line echo | set/p=start=%time%, >> ../time.txt
changing the %ERRORLVEL%
That lines sets ERRORLEVEL to 1 because SET /P
fails (sets ERRORLEVEL to 1) whenever it fails to set a value, and your set/p=start=%time%,
will never set a value. Everything after the first =
is considered to be the prompt, so there is no variable, and the command will always "fail".
I have no idea what you are attempting to do with that line, so I can't give you a solution. But one thing you should be aware of - SET /P is useless for setting variables if used within a pipe.