Right now I have the following code. I need to send a string to the body of my put request. The string needs to be valid json. The problem I had was that the message was coming through as foo instead of "foo". I did the following hack below to throw a double quote in the begging and end. Is there a better way to do this in angularjs 1.5?
var pushMessage = function (message) {
var data = '"' + message + '"';//this doesnt seem ideal
var apiPath = "http://" + $location.host() + ":" + $location.port() + "/api/setMessage";
return $http.put(apiPath, data).then(function (response) {
return response.data;
If the message is a json you can stringify it like
var data = JSON.stringify(message);
You will need to use JSON a lot if you are going to write the JavaScript and the best place to start is MDN MOZILLA