I'm currently trying to add a local clone of https://github.com/firebase/FirebaseUI-Android as a dependency in my project. I don't want to import it through the standard way, because I want to make modifications to FirebaseUI. Currently I'm trying this:
include ':firebaseui'
project(':firebaseui').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../FirebaseUI')
my module's build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile project(":firebaseui")
But I get:
Error:(42, 0) Could not read script 'C:\Users\Gonzalo\AndroidStudioProjects\MyProject\common\constants.gradle' as it does not exist.
which is imported in FirebaseUI\build.gradle:
allprojects { project ->
// Get constants, this is where we store things
// like the list of submodules or the version
project.apply from: "$rootDir/common/constants.gradle"
Is it a problem with FirebaseUI's build.gradle or mine?
repo:git clone https://github.com/firebase/FirebaseUI-Android
cd FirebaseUI-Android
gradlew tasks
// you will see publishToMavenLocal
into a separate instance of Intellijgradlew publishToMavenLocal
to your repositories
compile 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui:0.4.1'
do your dependencies
After all that, you are good to go.
gradlew publishToMavenLocal