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Julia - n-nested loops

Im trying to make a n-nested loop method in Julia

function fun(n::Int64)
    @nloops n i d->1:3 begin\n
        @nexprs n j->(print(i_j))\n

But the @nloops definition is limited to

_nloops(::Int64, ::Symbol, ::Expr, ::Expr...)

and I get the error

_nloops(::Symbol, ::Symbol, ::Expr, ::Expr)

Is there any way to make this work? Any help greatly appreciated


What I ended up doing was using the combinations method

For my problem, I needed to get all k-combinations of indices to pull values from an array, so the loops would had to look like

for i_1 in 1:100
    for i_2 in i_1:100
           for i_k in i_[k-1]:100


  • The number of loops needs to be a compile-time constant – a numeric literal, in fact: the code generated for the function body cannot depend on a function argument. Julia's generated functions won't help either since n is just a plain value and not part of the type of any argument. Your best bet for having the number of nested loops depend on a runtime value like n is to use recursion.