In my current project, I'm converting some Progress code to C#. One of the statement to convert is:
RUN GetNewJobAsmblMultiple IN hIssueReturn(tranType,"?",callProcess,{&input_dataset_SelectedJobAsmblDataSet}, OUTPUT pcMessage, {&output_dataset_IssueReturnDataSet}) NO-ERROR.
My questions are:
My code so far has an error for "?", which is suppose to be a GUID:
Erp.Tablesets.IssueReturnTableset output_dataset_IssueReturnDataSet = hIssueReturn.GetNewJobAsmblMultiple(tranType, "?", callProcess, ref output_dataset_SelectedJobAsmblDataSet, out pcMessage);
"?" is a string literal with the text value of ?
It's different from ? (no quotes) which would be the equivalent to the null value.
{&input_dataset_SelectedPartDataSet} refers to an Include file parameter or an &SCOPED-DEFINE or &GLOBAL-DEFINE definition somewhere else. It's a preprocessor variable.