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zend framework partial not render echo on ajax request

I'd like to render a partial as a response to an ajax request in my controller action. My goal is to echo a Twitter Bootstrap Alert when ajax request is successful.

Here is my action (redigeraLottningAction):

    echo $this->view->partial('partial/alert-ajax.phtml', array('type' => 'success', 'msg' => 'Lyckat! Lottningen är nu sparad.'));

And my partial (alert-ajax.phtml):

<div id="alert-msg" class="alert alert-<?= $this->type?> fade in">
    <a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#">×</a>
    <p><?= $this->msg?></p>

The problem is that the php scripts in the partial is outputed as text. This is what it looks like in the browser with variables not rendered:

<div id="alert-msg" class="alert alert-<?= $this->type?> fade in">
    <a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#">×</a>
    <p><?= $this->msg?></p>

And the jquery part:


    $('#lottning-spara').click(function () {
            type: "POST",
            url: '/turnering/redigera-lottning',
            cache: false,
            data: {id: getParam("turnering"), klass_id: getParam("klass"), type: "spara", lottning: $('#lottning_str').val()},
            dataType: 'html',
            success: function(msg){
            error: function(){

Any ideas why the php in partial is not rendered??

Edits are bold.

Problem Solved. The alert-ajax.phtml file was a different charset type.


  • Problem Solved. The alert-ajax.phtml file was a different charset type.