We are trying to add a field in the SR List screen of Service Request app. We are able to see the additional field's data in the response and see the value in the detail screen. But the same is not visible in the list screen even after we made changes in the WorkListItem.xml. When we looked at the developer logs, we saw an error as below.
Cannot add an item to layout [generated_application_ui_layout_small_WorkListItem_0]. Position [item7] does not exist.
We executed build.xml and also artifact-processor.xml. But if is of no use as we are still getting the error.
Below are code snippets added in the app.xml & WorkListItem.xml.
<listItemTemplate id="ServiceRequest.MyReportedSR_serviceRequest_listItemTemplate_WorkListItem" layout="WorkListItem">
<listtext id="ServiceRequest.MyReportedSR_serviceRequest_WorkListItem_internalpriority" layoutInsertAt="item7" resourceAttribute="internalpriority"/>
<row id="row_3">
<column colspan="10" columnid="item7" id="item7_column"/>
Please let us know if we are missing any steps.
Regards, Karthik
It looks like the standard Service Requests app has issue when it is referring the Worklistitem layout xml. I have found that there is field mapped to item2 in app.xml but item2 is not present in the layout xml.
I have created a custom layout file copied from the WorkListItem and provided a different name. It worked after referring the new layout xml which included item2(For existing field) and item7 (New Field which we wanted to display) added in the layout xml.