I am trying to implement a function
; (simplify expr)
; where expr is one of the following
; - a number
; - a symbol
; - a list of the form '(a operator b) where a and b are arithmetic expressions
The function is NOT supposed to simplify the arithmetic expression as far as possible, I just need it to simplify the subexpressions without variables:
(simplify '(3 + a)) => '(3 + a)
(simplify '(((2 + (3 * 4)) * a) + 2) => '((14 * a) + 2)
(simplify '((2 + (3 - a)) * 2) => '((2 + (3 - a)) * 2)
I already implemented a function that evaluates an arithmetic expression:
(define (eval t)
[(number? t) t]
[else ((cond
[(equal? (second t) '+) +]
[(equal? (second t) '-) -]
[(equal? (second t) '*) *]
[(equal? (second t) '/) /])
(eval (first t)) (eval (third t)))]))
This is what I have so far, but aside from the fact that it does not even work properly, I guess that there is a much better way.
(define (simplify t)
[(number? t) t]
[(equal? 'a (first t)) `(,(first t) ,(second t) ,(simplify (third t))) ]
[(equal? 'a (third t)) `(,(simplify (first t)) ,(second t) ,(third t)) ]
[else ((cond
[(equal? (second t) '+) +]
[(equal? (second t) '-) -]
[(equal? (second t) '*) *]
[(equal? (second t) '/) /])
(simplify (first t)) (simplify (third t)))]))
Any help is greatly appreciated!
The key insight is that
(number operation number)
can be simplified to
the result of evaluating (number operation number)
So add a clause in simplify that checks for the pattern (number operation number)
then use your eval
function to find the result.