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Swift 3.0 how to use startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: withHandler)?

Swift 3.0 was released alongside Xcode 8.0 and apparently a lot has changed. I'm very unfamiliar with the new syntax in swift. Can someone help me out? I'm trying to figure out what goes in

        to: OperationQueue.current()!,
        withHandler: )

after the "withHandler:"

I am trying to get my SceneKit program be able to utilize the accelerometer to determine the orientation of an SCNNode platform. I am also fairly new to swift (about 5 days into programming in Swift) so if there's something fundamental I am messing up, let me know.


  • Reference

    You must pass the block that conforms the CMDeviceMotionHandler type.

     motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: OperationQueue.current()!, withHandler:{
                    deviceManager, error in
                    //Do stuffs with deviceManager or with error