I have used an ODS output to PDf of a freq table inspite of using the noptitle it still prints SAS System on the top.
the code is
options nodate center nonumber ;
ods noptitle ;
ods pdf file="Z:\temp.pdf" ;
ods proclabel="The totals";
proc freq data=compulsion;
tables year;
label year="year of the child";
ods pdf close;
But still I get the main title as "The SAS System", how to delete this title?
Just use an empty title statement, that removes all manual or automatically assigned titles (simple but it works):
options nodate center nonumber ;
ods noptitle ;
ods pdf file="Z:\temp.pdf" ;
ods proclabel="The totals";
title;/*<-reset all titles or overwrite it with wanted title*/
proc freq data=compulsion;
tables year;
label year="year of the child";
ods pdf close;
Edit for clarification: noptitle only removes the title generated by the proc, like "The FREQ Procedure". "The Sas System" is a not proc-related title