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Assign derived class unique_ptr to base class unique_ptr

I created a custom istream derived from std::istream that uses a custom streambuf when the file is a zipped file and std::filebuf otherwise.

class my_stream: public istream {
     explicit my_stream(const std::string &path);
     std::unique_ptr<std::streambuf> b_;

my_stream::my_stream(const std::string &path) :std::istream(nullptr) {
    if(path.substr(path.length()-6, path.length())==".gzip"){
        b_ = std::make_unique<gzipbuf>(path); //gzipbuf is derived from std::streambuf
    else {
        std::unique_ptr<std::filebuf> fb;
        fb->open(path.c_str(), std::ios::in);
        b_ = fb;

I am able to assign derived class unique_ptr to base class unique_ptr at one place

b_ = std::make_unique<gzipbuf>(path);

but not at the other

b_ = fb;

It says

candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'unique_ptr<std::filebuf, default_delete<std::basic_filebuf<char>>>' to 'unique_ptr<std::basic_streambuf<char>, default_delete<std::basic_streambuf<char>>>' for 1st argument
      operator=(unique_ptr&& __u) noexcept


  • Firstly, after this line

    std::unique_ptr<std::filebuf> fb;

    fb doesn't actually point at anything, it is just an empty unique_ptr so you are invoking undefined behaviour here:

    fb->open(path.c_str(), std::ios::in);

    To fix this just change the line to:

    auto fb = std::make_unique<std::filebuf>();

    Regarding the error you are getting, if this line were allowed

    b_ = fb;

    then afterwards both b_ and fb would point at the same object. This is not allowed by unique_ptr. A resource can be owned by one, and only one, unique_ptr. One solution is to pass ownership from fb to b_ using std::move:

    b_ = std::move(fb)

    and then fb no longer owns anything.

    Personally, I like to initialize member variables in the constructor initializer list wherever possible and would extract out the creation of the streambuf to a separate function in order to do so:

    std::unique_ptr<std::streambuf> createStream(const std::string &path) {
        if(path.substr(path.length()-5, path.length())==".gzip"){  // I think you meant 5 here!
            return std::make_unique<gzipbuf>(path); 
        auto fb = std::make_unique<std::filebuf>();
        fb->open(path.c_str(), std::ios::in);
        return fb;

    Then the constructor of my_stream can be:

    my_stream::my_stream(const std::string &path) : std::istream(nullptr),
      b_(createStream(path)) {