I have a array of hashes, each hash containing same keys but values are unique. On the basis of particular value, I need to store hash ref.
See the below example to understand it properly:
my @aoaoh = (
{ a => 1, b => 2 },
{ a => 3, b => 4 },
{ a => 101, b => 102 },
{ a => 103, b => 104 },
Now I will check if a hash key a
contains value 101
. If yes then I need to store the whole hash ref.
How to do that?
my $key = "a";
my ($ref) = grep { $_->{$key} == 101 } @aoaoh;
or using List::Util
's first()
use List::Util 'first';
my $ref = first { $_->{$key} == 101 } @aoaoh;