I am trying to add icons to the document type I have defined using Xcode document type option on the project info.
See the phrase add icons here
? In theory you can drop icons to that area. I have tried png, ico, icns. Nothing.
I have tried to add the icons by clicking on the +
there, nope. I click on the +
, I choose the files and nothing happens.
The icon you see there I was able to drop to the place it is, that is another droppable place.
My problem is this:
I use the following code to obtain the icon at run time and display it.
UIDocumentInteractionController* docController = [[UIDocumentInteractionController alloc] init];
docController.name = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"x.%@", [[fileURL path] pathExtension]]; // it is x, but it can be anything
NSArray *icons = (NSArray *)[docController icons];
The array I get has two icons, both with the same size that is 37x48 in size (???!!!)
two questions
Apple documentation is vague. I don't know if these icons have to have a special nomenclature. My big icon is something like bigIcon.png
and the small one is smallIcon.png
required icon sizes are
you have to modify .plist manually (i didn't find another way yet)