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Cannot add icon to registered document type? Is this a bug?

I am trying to add icons to the document type I have defined using Xcode document type option on the project info.

enter image description here See the phrase add icons here? In theory you can drop icons to that area. I have tried png, ico, icns. Nothing.

I have tried to add the icons by clicking on the + there, nope. I click on the +, I choose the files and nothing happens.

The icon you see there I was able to drop to the place it is, that is another droppable place.

My problem is this:

  1. I have dropped a 320x320 png to the place you see the icon.
  2. I use the following code to obtain the icon at run time and display it.

    UIDocumentInteractionController* docController = [[UIDocumentInteractionController alloc] init]; = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"x.%@", [[fileURL path] pathExtension]]; // it is x, but it can be anything
    NSArray *icons = (NSArray *)[docController icons];

The array I get has two icons, both with the same size that is 37x48 in size (???!!!)

two questions

  1. can you confirm if this is a bug and there is no way to add icons there?
  2. can you confirm if this code is what I have to use to get the icon?

Apple documentation is vague. I don't know if these icons have to have a special nomenclature. My big icon is something like bigIcon.png and the small one is smallIcon.png.


  • required icon sizes are

    • iPad 320x320, 64x64
    • iPhone 44x58, 22x29

    you have to modify .plist manually (i didn't find another way yet)
