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Swift: get UI objects by ID?

in iOS, is it possible to assign a string ID to UI objects and then retrieve them in the code by that ID?

I am looking for something similar to the Android's findViewById(id)


  • you can use viewWithTag but tag is type of Int:

    let superView = UIView()
    let subView = UIView()
    subView.tag = 100
    let v = superView.viewWithTag(100)

    if use xib or storyboard you can bind id like this: enter image description here

    use runtime you can bind obj to obj ,but seems not you want :

    objc_setAssociatedObject(superView, "key", subView, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
    let v = objc_getAssociatedObject(superView, "key")


    you can use an enum to get the view :

    enum UIKey:String {
        case AA = "aa"
        func findView(byKey:String ,fromView:UIView) -> UIView {
            let v :UIView!
            switch self {
                // get view from real tag value
                case .AA: v = fromView.viewWithTag(1)
            return v

    then use :

    let dict = ["aa":123]
    dict.forEach { (key,value) in
        let v = UIKey(rawValue: key)?.findView(key, fromView: self.view)
        //set v with your value