Ok so here's the thing. We are using the 3rd party control "tag-it" on our controls. JQUERY TAG-IT
Now we have an issue wherein we need to allow the user to paste two word text then put a comma in between. To demonstrate this is the current behavior of the tag-it control:
the behavior that i want is this:
Is this possible and if yes how could we implement it?
Edit the tag-it.js
if you are not using the minified one.
Find line 224, and before that line paste this block of code :
this.tagInput.bind('paste', function (event) {
// Set short timeout so .val() will have a value
setTimeout(function () {
var tagArray = that.tagInput.val().split(/[\n,]+/);
if (tagArray.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < tagArray.length; i++) {
}, 100);
So basically what it does is to bind a new paste event and split input by comma, and for separated item, a new tag was created.
Please refer to this github issue : https://github.com/aehlke/tag-it/issues/301
You welcome :) ---> You're welcome... Hahahaha.
QUESTION How about if you're not pasting the values and just manually typed the comma?
EDIT 2: Another Option
Revert all the changes i done before.
Remove line 244, (event.which === $.ui.keyCode.COMMA && event.shiftKey === false) ||
This is to allow comma in input
Modify line 270 to check if there is a comma in the input
if ($.trim(that.tagInput.val()).indexOf(',') > -1) {
var tagArray = that.tagInput.val().split(/[\n,]+/);
if (tagArray.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < tagArray.length; i++) {
else {
Explanation: Since we allowed spaces (I assumed) and also allow commas, the only trigger now to create tags is by pressing enter key.
So for example: Input: "Sample, Text" After I press Enter key, it will be separated into "Sample" and "Text" tags.