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EXC_BAD_ACCESS on mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification

We have been trying to debug a Core Data multiple-context/threading issue wherein merging a Core Data save notification into our main thread NSManagedObjectContext is sporadically crashing the app. This is crashing ~2% of our app sessions and we are at a loss as to how to solve this. We would really appreciate any guidance or general advice on what could possibly cause this crash.

We have a Core Data setup that looks like this:

Core Data Stack N.B. This is the default Core Data stack in Magical Record v2.3 created from [MagicalRecord setupAutoMigratingCoreDataStack]

This is the scenario where our app is crashing:

  1. HTTP request returns JSON
  2. JSON is parsed into NSManagedObjects (Some new entities, some updated entities) on Root Saving Context
  3. Root Saving Context saves to persistent store
  4. NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification is broadcast by Core Data. Default context on main queue observes this and calls mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: with the NSDictionary of changes on the main thread.
  5. It crashes when objectID is sent to an invalid object (most likely NSManagedObject has been deallocated).

This is occurring inside the private implementation of NSManagedObjectContext mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: so it is impossible for us to see what has actually gone wrong here; all we can tell at this point that an object which should exist, does not.

enter image description here

This only happens on a small percent of Core Data saves, indicating that may not be a fundamental flaw in our Core Data → API stack. Moreover, there is no indication that the size or type of the changes (insertions/updates/deletions) in the context changes have any impact on the likelihood of the crash.


  • It's been some time now since this question was posted and after rediscovering it I'd like to answer my own question for the sake of others who find this thread.

    In my circumstance I had migrated a large code base from sibling NSManagedObjectContexts updated via NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification's. However the problem was not really anything to do with this, even though this did expose the issue.

    The real cause of this were places that there were older parts of the code, setup by previous engineers, that had setup KVO on NSManagedObjects and their properties. It transpired that KVO on Core Data entities is in fact a very very bad idea.

    More accurately, it appeared that this happened when KVO was setup on entities and either the object, or the target of a relationship on this object was deleted from the NSPersistentStore. This second condition seemed to not be the only cause of the issue, but was definitely a very prominent cause in my situation.

    Lesson's learnt:

    1. Use a fetched results controller when you need to. KVO is not a convenient shortcut and you shouldn't avoid migrating dodgy Core Data KVO code to NSFetchedResultsControllers or another sensible alternative as the procrastination will just hurt you.
    2. Multi threaded Core Data is a difficult but very worthwhile skill to become an expert in. Knowing your Core Data stack and the nuances and limitations of Core Data multithreading is absolutely worth all the mental anguish.