I am trying to create a function that will return counts of specific adjacent nucleotides (CG beside eachother) within a specific window that I have formatted in a vector.
I would like the windows to be 100 nucleotides long and move shift every 10.
The data is setup like this (to 10k entries):
data <- c("a", "g", "t", "t", "g", "t", "t", "a", "g", "t", "c", "t",
"a", "c", "g", "t", "g", "g", "a", "c", "c", "g", "a", "c")
So far I have tried this:
rollapply(data, width=100, by=10, FUN=count(data, wordsize=2))
But I always get the error
"Error in match.fun(FUN) :
'count(data, 2)' is not a function, character or symbol"
I have also tried:
starts <- seq(1, length(data)-100, by = 100)
n <- length(starts)
for (i in 1:n){
chunk <- data[starts[i]:(starts[i]+99)]
chunkCG <- count(chunk,wordsize=2)
print (chunkCG)
However, I do not know how to save the data that is returned. This approach also does not allow me to overlap frames.
EDIT: To get the desired output with a 10 observation sliding window you can use a for
loop. Since we pre-allocate the size of our result vector, the loop is reasonably fast. I think this is the best way to solve your problem since I dont think a lot of grouping (if any) supports a sliding window:
#Sample data
#The number of windows you want, shift by 10 each time
n_windows <- ((nrow(df) - 100) / 10) + 1
#Create empty DF, this helps increase speed of below loop
res <- data.frame(window=rep(NA,n_windows),count_cg=rep(NA,n_windows))
#Loop over each i, paste a leaded version of your sequence onto current sequence and count "cg"s
for (i in 1:n_windows){
res$window[i] <- paste0((i-1)*10 + 1,"-",(i-1)*10 + 100)
subs <- df[((i-1)*10 + 1):((i-1)*10 + 100),"var"]
subs2<- paste0(as.character(subs),as.character(shift(subs,1L,type="lead")[1:length(subs) - 1]))
res$count_cg[i] <- sum(subs2=="cg")
window count_cg
1 1-100 10
2 11-110 10
3 21-120 8
4 31-130 9
5 41-140 9
6 51-150 9