I am setting colorcolumn
in Vim, on the 90th column, but at the same time I would like to maintain text wrapping functionality.
Therefore, in order to maintain the coloured column on the wrapped lines, and have no breaks, I have to put in my .vimrc
something like:
let col_no=90
if ((longest_line_size / 90) >= 2)
for i in range(2, (longest_line_size / 90))
let col_no=col_no . "," . ((90*i) + (&columns - 91))
execute 'set colorcolumn=' . col_no
The problem is that when I resize the window (or the buffer), the coloured column on the wrapped lines is not aligned. A solution would be to re-run the function when the buffer is resized.
Is this possible? Any other solutions/suggestions are also welcome.
You can run a function every time the window size changes using the following autocommand
augroup Resize
autocmd VimResized * :call YourFunctionName<cr>
augroup END
Add that to your vimrc file. To use it with your code you will need to wrap the code up in a function.
function YourFunctionName
#your code goes here
Note that the function name must begin with a capital letter.