I want to make sure I get the lat and lng for right city. For e.g there is Sydney in Australia and Sydney in Canada. This works fine
for d in listofobjs:
location = geolocator.geocode(d['city'])
d2 = {
'username': d['username'],
'latitude': location.latitude,
'longitude': location.longitude
But I get an error if I try location like this instead
location = geolocator.geocode(d['city'],d['country'])
I get an error when I try to read latitude from locatoion
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'latitude'
Is it possible to pass both city and country to geocode ?
In the documentation it is stated that geolocator.geocode can return 0,1 or more values. The method can return a list, hence the error message when you try to access it as a single structure element. Or iterate through the list and append to listofobjs2 as much as needed.
You cannot be sure of getting exactly 1 location match. But why passing 2 parameters? I would combine them in a string like in the docs example:
"some address NYC". So if you put your request like this:
d['city']+" "+d['country']
it would match the example much better