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Edit the transferred Object (using Property transfer) in SOAPUI

I have the following test steps:

  • GetDetails
  • transferObject (Property transfer)
  • Change Details

GetDetails outputs a JSON object as follows:

   "databaseId": 123,
   "databaseName": "Test",
   "address": "ON",
   "details":    {
        "detail_id": 999,
        "userId": 2,
        "date": null,
        "state": "active"
   "itemName": "Bob details",

transferObject transfers this details object to ChangeDetails test step.

But now I want to modify the object (change the state property to non-active) before feeding it to ChangeDetails test case.

How can I do that? any suggestions?


  • I am not really sure how to achieve this using property transfer step as it appears to be data manipulation.

    If it would be achieved, I would do this in the below fashion(Using script assertion) .

    Have only two steps

    • Get Details
    • Change Details

    Add a Script Assertion with the below code for Get Details step:

    import groovy.json.*
    //Read the response of GetDetails and filter details
    def details = new JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response).details
    //assert there is details available and not empty
    assert details, "Details is empty or null in the response"
    //Creating object to build the next step request
    def json = new JsonBuilder()
    //Building details object for Change
    json.details {
      //looping thru each data
        details.each { key, value ->
          //Change state to inactive
          if ('state' == key) value = 'non-active'
          //add the properties inside details
    //Create a pretty print sting and this is going to be the next test step's request
    def prettyJson = JsonOutput.prettyPrint(json.toString())
    //Assign this data to a test step custom property, say REQUEST
    context.testCase.setPropertyValue('REQUEST', prettyJson)

    In the Change Details step, open request editor => have ${#TestCase#REQUEST}

    Now run your test see if it is working as you needed.

    Note: It is mentioned in the comment inactive, but it is mentioned in the question to be non-active - so kept the same in the reply. I think it is not really big deal in this case, I believe.