I want to find the most common value in a list, matching the most common outcome by name.
I know it revolves around an index with mode and match function, with an IF function in there. But can't get it down.
Raw Data
James Ile Flat White
James Ile Flat White
Michael Pane Latte
Lily Wilk Iced Drinks
Louise Coset Millionaire Shortbread
Louise Wyli Flat White
Louise Wyli Millionaire Shortbread
Louise Wyli English Breakfast
Louise Cosett Cheese Toastie
Louise Wyli Flat White
Louise Cosett Pineapple Sunset
James Court Espresso
Desired Result
James Ile Flat white
Michael Pane Latte
Lily Wilk Iced Drinks
Louise Cosett Cheese Toastie
Louise Wyli Flat white
James Court Espresso
Being a Excel Formula's enthusiast and considering that this question has not attracted many responses, I tried to get results by using a combination of Mode.Mult
Function, Index
and Match
This will return more than one result if there are multiple modes. Because this function returns an array of values, it must be entered as an array formula. Arguments can either be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers.If an array or reference argument contains text, logical values, or empty cells, those values are ignored; however, cells with the value zero are included.Mode.Mult FunctionI have partially succeeded in getting desired results, in the sense if there are more than one occurrence of mode value, it will be indicated in the results. Notwithstanding this I am posting my answer with the hope that more experienced persons will guide and help in overcoming the shortcomings in my attempt.
Results Array formula in C2 copied down
=IFERROR(INDEX( $B$2:$B$13,INDEX(MODE.MULT(IF($A$2:$A$13=$A2,MATCH($B$2:$B$13,$B$2:$B$13,0))),ROWS($C2:C2)) ),"")
confirmed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter, not just Enter.