I have to change a camera implementation built with gluLookat
and glMultmatrixf
The camera implemented is an arcball camera where the camera rotates around a point.
Orientation of the camera is by
//set projection
gluPerspective (..);
gluLookAt(pCamera.x, pCamera.y, pCamera.z,
pTarget.x, pTarget.y, pTarget.z,
up.x, up.y, up.z);
And is followed by
to move the camera around the point, where transformViewMatrix
is calculated from mouse coord
I have to integrate Oculus Rift with the camera so the camera can rotate on spot instead of around a point.
I can get a rotation matrix from Oculus sensor, rotOculus
I tried multiplying transforViewMatrix
with rotOculus
but get that the object I am looking at is rotating on spot instead of the camera
then I tried to assign transformViewMatrix
with rotOculus
, but that is same as arcball rotation with mouse, just changed to Oculus.
I think in order to rotate camera on spot, I need to translate the camera to origin by pCamera
, then glMultMatrixf(rotOculus)
But I dont have access to how I can order glTranslate
, gluLookAt
, glMultMatrixf
methods because those are implemented in a dll, I can only change pCamera
, pTarget
, up
, and viewTransformMatrix
Could anyone point how I could rotate camera on spot in this situation? Thank you.
You want to move the lookat vector, which is the line between pCamera and pTarget. You don't specify what types you're using, but the code should look something like this
// Get the lookat vector
vec3 lookAtVector = pTarget - pCamera;
// Rotate by the HMD orientation
lookAtVector = rotOculus * lookAtVector;
// Add back the camera vector to get the worldspace target
vec3 newTarget = lookAtVector + pCamera;
// Upload the view matrix to GL
gluLookAt(pCamera.x, pCamera.y, pCamera.z,
newTarget.x, newTarget.y, newTarget.z,
up.x, up.y, up.z);