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"Life Beyond Transactions" Entity-Message-Activity Model in Practice?

Over vacation I read Pat Helland's "Life Beyond Transactions" (yes, vacation was that good :). To sum it up briefly, it advocates limiting the scope of transactions to a single entity and then using groups of "activities" that have the ability to update the entity or cancel a task anytime a change takes place that would make that task invalid.

(E.g. Shipping Order A requires some amount of Item 1. The Shipping Orders and Items are stored as entities and have their own activities. Shipping Order B ships with the last of Item 1 before A finishes. The activity for Item 1 cancels Shipping Order A.)

I had thought I was printing out the Dynamo paper, so forgive me if I conflate the two here. I've seen quite a few "NoSQL" projects influenced by Dynamo and BigTable, particularly in how they address entities by keys and partition data. I was wondering if this Entity-Message-Activity model has influenced any of them?

Or, to put it in more concrete terms, if I have an operation in HBase, Cassandra, Riak, etc. that spans multiple entities, do I need to implement an Activity all by myself (as more of a design pattern in the application), or is there some kind of existing framework? Or do they do something else completely that renders this entire question moot?



  • I can add my 2 cents here just from a Cassandra point of view (I haven't used the other NoSQL engines available). Cassandra is primarily designed to be a fast read-write structure. Twitter is a great use case for Cassandra (check the twitter clone Twissandra for this)

    Assuming I have understood your question correctly: yes you will have to implement the activity yourself. To understand the modeling of Column/SuperColumnFamilies I would suggest reading this great article WTF is a SuperColumn?
