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Cucumber `--tags` options from command line?

What i would like to do is to pass cucumber options from command line to execute scenarios with tag name @extecuteThese but also i wanted to exclude scenarios that are with tag name @WIP so what am i doing so far is

-Dcucumber.options='--tags @executeThese --tags ~@WIP' 

But unfortunately, it's not considering ~@WIP tag option

Any help, much appreciated!!


  • Lets pretend this is your feature:

    Feature ABC
    Scenario: abc1
    @WIP @executeThese
    Scenario: abc2

    What you are currently doing is equivalent to an AND operation. so only abc2 will be run

    In order to run both you need to do an OR operation equivalent to do this run:

    cucumber -t @WIP,@executeThese This will run abc1 and abc2

    If you want to execute all that are @executeThese But Not @WIP you need to do this:

    cucumber -t @executeThese -t ~@WIP

    This will run abc1 only