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Getting JSON file from WordPress through Cloud9 returns a Cloud9 html file

I have been using Cloud9 to make an Ionic app.

So far, the frontend of the app is doing fine. I use the ionic-framework through Cloud9.

My backend is another Cloud9 project. It uses WordPress to make a specific custom post type with advanced custom fields. It then uses WP REST API to generate that data in a json format. I can access my custom post type and its fields when I run the WordPress on Cloud9 using its /wp-json/posts?type=[specific type].

The problem is, when using a $http.get request in my ionic app, it doesn't work at all. If I use $http.get on a json file I downloaded from my WordPress and added in the workspace of my ionic app, everything works fine.

So, I have a problem getting json data from a WordPress site hosted using Cloud9 through an ionic app, also in a Cloud9 workspace.

Both workspaces are separated and run at the same time.

My code to load the json file is the following :

var defer = $q.defer();

$http.get('LINK TO .../wp-json/posts?type=[post type]', { cache: 'true'})
    .success(function(data) {

return defer.promise;
<script src=""></script>

As mentionned, when I replace the link with [name of json file].json, a file that was directly downloaded from the REST API generated json and so that is identical to the site I'm trying to get, it doesn't work.

When I console.log(data), instead of logging the data for each custom post (what happens with the download .json), it logs this :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
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Also, since I use chrome as a debugger for my app, I use an extension for Access-Control-Expose-Headers. Without this extension, I get another error for the header.


  • In order to allow services to make API calls to your app (or Wordpress) you'll need to open the Share menu in the top right and make your app public.

    In this case, you can lock down your app with authentication in the API so the publicness of your app shouldn't be an issue.