As per the API:
I have tried using PHP and cUrl to get the latest channel feed comments. This is the URL I am polling:
Obviously with :username as my actual username. I am also passing:
"oauth_token" => "[MY OAUTH TOKEN]"
I know that this procedure normally works because I am using it to get normal info about the channel and followers info. Though trying it with the feed posts I get this message back (after JSON decoding it):
[error] => Forbidden
[status] => 403
[message] => Channel feed is disabled
When I set up the authorization for the account using oauth I included the following scope for allows:
user_read user_blocks_edit user_blocks_read user_follows_edit channel_read channel_editor channel_commercial channel_stream channel_subscriptions user_subscriptions channel_check_subscription chat_login channel_feed_read channel_feed_edit
As far as I know that is everything so not sure why it's coming up as forbidden, and as I mentioned I am using other parts of the API so not sure whats wrong here... Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated :)
I am by no means an expert on twitch's API but I'll give it a shot. Looking through their github documentation it shows 3 ways of sending access token for authentication.
Is it possible you're sending the token in the HTTP body? It explicitly states that this won't work with GET
methods, which could be giving you an error when trying to GET
channel feed posts. Hope this helps.
EDIT: Yousimply don't have channel feed enabled on your account. It's currently opt-in because it's in beta. See: