Search code examples

Multiple/Optional EndNode Neo4j

Current scenario:

User is able to have a Car and a Motorcycle, so a user could have 1 relation [:OWNS] :Car and another to :Motorcycle. It is also possible for the user to have neither or just one of them.

U->C & U->M

Current relationship entity:

@RelationshipEntity(type = "OWNS")                      
public class Owns {

Long relationshipId;                            

private int price;

Car car;                                

Motorcycle motor;

How do I set a user to have just one of them? because I get error that an EndNode cannot be null, which understandable at this point. is there a way to make another endNode optional?



  • Perhaps a misunderstanding of the @RelationshipEntity? A relationship entity is simply a relationship with properties between two nodes.

    Car car;                                
    Motorcycle motor;

    is saying a Car OWNS a Motorcycle.

    What you want instead is a User that owns either a Car or Motorcyle, so if you have a superclass Vehicle as suggested by Michael, then you would have the following:

    @RelationshipEntity(type = "OWNS")                      
    public class Owns {
    Long relationshipId;                            
    private int price;
    User user;                                
    Vehicle vehicle;

    User would have:

    Set<Owns> vehiclesOwned;

    and this set can have zero or one or many vehicles in it.