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Android Time Format issue - Its coming as A.M / P.M

I am getting issue when getting the Date Time format from the Moto X and Nexus 5X devices Below is the code I am using.

 public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute) {

  SimpleDateFormat mSDF = null;
  final String format = Settings.System.getString(fragment.getActivity()
    .getContentResolver(), Settings.System.TIME_12_24);
  boolean is24HourFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat

  mSDF = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a", Locale.ENGLISH);

  System.out.println("Time Format:" + format);
  Calendar mCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
  mCalendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hourOfDay);
  mCalendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute);

  String selectedTime = mSDF.format(mCalendar.getTime());

  fragment.onTimeSelected(selectedTime, inputField);

On the selectedTime i am getting the time format like 10:40 A.M or P.M instead of AM or PM.

Which is making issue when i pass this to API, As if we sending like this it will cause issue in date formaat conversion in other mobile which has normal format.

So is there any way to get the Timeformat in AM , PM instead of A.M or P.M in above mentioned device?


  • I have resolve it by following way.

    Replace , with empty

    fragment.onTimeSelected(selectedTime.replace("\\.",""), inputField);

    and during the Conversion, Please specify locale.

    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
           "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",Locale.ENGLISH);