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Update multiple records using ecto 2.0

I could insert multiple records in ecto 2.0:

iex(1)> categories = [%{name: "stackoverflow", url: ""}]

iex(2)> App.Repo.insert_all App.Category, categories

Is it possible to update multiple records at once?

iex(1) > category = App.Repo.all(App.Category) |> hd

iex(2) > changeset = App.Category.changeset(category, %{name: "test"})

iex(3)> App.Repo.insert_all App.Category, [changeset]

I've a scenario where I've to insert or update categories everyday after crawling external pages. Seems like there is Multi feature in Ecto 2.0. Any pointers on how to go about this?


  • Just as there is an insert_all/3 function, there is also an update_all/3 function. update_all/3 takes a Queryable (%MyApp.SomeModel{} or a query), a Keyword List of updates ([name: "John"]), and an optional Keyword List of options.