I want to send a lot of files from HDFS to Google Storage (GS). So I want to use distcp command this this case.
hadoop distcp -libjars <full path to connector jar> -m <amount of mappers> hdfs://<host>:<port(default 8020)>/<hdfs path> gs://<backet name>/
Also I need to specify *.p12 key file in core-site.xml to access to GS. And I need to distribute this file to all nodes in my cluster.
I do not want to do it manually. What is the best practise to distibute the key file?
There is a generic parameter
-files <comma separated list of files> specify comma separated files to be copied to the map reduce cluster
Command will be
hadoop distcp -libjars <full path to connector jar> -files /etc/hadoop/conf/gcskey.p12 -m <amount of mappers> hdfs://<host>:<port(default 8020)>/<hdfs path> gs://<backet name>/
NOTE1 In this case we will need to set up key path (google.cloud.auth.service.account.keyfile) on core-site.xml as in the example below
NOTE2 You need to have .p12 key file at current directory, because haddop checks paths from core-site on start.
The AbstractFileSystem for gs: (GCS) uris. Only necessary for use with Hadoop 2.
<value>google project id</value>
<description>Google Project Id</description>
<value>google service account email</value>
<description>Project service account email</description>
<description>Local path to .p12 key at each node</description>