I want to set programmatically the font style to Label in one appcelerator application.
So this is:
".headerTableLabel" : {
top : "10px",
color : "#B3B3B3",
textAlign : "center",
width: '340px',
font : {
fontSize : "20pt",
fontWeight : "Italic"
This is my socialHistory.js
function createHeader(headerText){
var heading = Ti.UI.createView({
height:30, top : 15,
backgroundColor : "#0c7b84"
var headingText = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text : headerText,
classes: 'headerTableLabel'
return heading;
I want to set programmatically the style of my Label under createLabel method. But it not works.
Try it like this:
function createHeader(headerText){
var heading = Ti.UI.createView({
height:30, top : 15,
backgroundColor : "#0c7b84"
var headingText = $.UI.create("Label", {
classes: 'headerTableLabel'
headingText.text = headerText;
return heading;