I am trying to get dompdf working with codeigniter, I download the file from here https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf/releases the version was 0.7.0 and then I put inside my controller a piece of code like this
public function generatepdf(){
$domdpf = new DOMPDF();
$domdpf -> loadHtml('<h1>HELLO WORLD</h1>');
$domdpf -> setPaper('A4','Landscape');
$domdpf ->render();
But I am getting a error saying
Fatal error: Class 'DOMPDF' not found in C:\Apache24\htdocs\faceloan\faceloan\application\controllers\moneyexchange.php on line 2495
You need to use v0.6. v0.7 uses namespaces which are not supported in CodeIgniter.