the example (link) gives:
E107: Missing parentheses: <SNR>17_StartZekyll
(For exact copy of the example, it is: E107: Missing parentheses: <SNR>16_AppFunction
Below is my stripped, faithful version, I've removed comments and the multi-dot parts ("... whatever ...") and modified the first key binding.)
What can be wrong?
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Exit when your app has already been loaded (or "compatible" mode set)
if exists("g:loaded_zekyll") || &cp
let g:loaded_zekyll = 1 " your version number
let s:keepcpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Public Interface:
if !hasmapto('<Plug>StartZekyll')
map <unique> <Leader>c <Plug>StartZekyll
" Global Maps:
map <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>StartZekyll :set lz<CR>:call <SID>StartZekyll<CR>:set nolz<CR>
" Script Variables:
let s:repos_paths = [ $HOME."/.zekyll/repos" ]
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:StartZekyll: this function is available via the <Plug>/<script> interface above
fun! s:StartZekyll()
" content here
nmap <silent> <Left> :set lz<CR>:silent! call <SID>StartZekyll2<CR>:set nolz<CR>
call s:render()
fun! s:render()
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let &cpo=s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo
The mapping given as an example misses some parentheses for the call
command. You have to correct
map ... call <SID>StartZekyll<CR> ...
map ... call <SID>StartZekyll()<CR> ...
in both mappings you defined.