Assume there is a module with only one factory (the shared service).
angular.module('sharedService', [])
.factory('sharedSrv', sharedService)
function sharedService() {
var number;
return {
getNum: getNumber
function getNumber() {
return number;
function setNumber(i) {
number = i;
I saw we can inject shared services by passing a dependency into module
angular.module('app', ['sharedService'])
.controller('theCtrl', function(sharedSrv) {
var self = this;
self.setSharedNumber = sharedSrv.setNumber;
However, How inject a shared service if controller use services from his own module?
angular.module('app', ['sharedService'])
.controller('theCtrl', theCtrlFun)
.service('theSrv', theSrvFun)
theCtrlFun.$inject = ['theSrv']
function theCtrlFun(localSrv) {
// How call sharedService ?
function theSrvFun() {
// Some fantastic features.
Thank you for your help.
You shouldn't be injecting service module as variable, you need to pass the name of module as string
angular.module('app', [sharedService])
.controller('theCtrl', function(sharedSrv) {
should be
angular.module('app', ['sharedService'])
.controller('theCtrl', function(sharedSrv) {
OR you could follow Inline Array annotation of DI
angular.module('app', ['sharedService'])
.controller('theCtrl', ["sharedSrv", function(sharedSrv) {
//code here