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How to handle JPEG data received in HTTP res.body?

I'm using the request.js node module to make a GET request for an image. The body I get back looks like this:

body: 'u0014�����T���8�\u00029�\u001fZ\u0000m(\u0007�\u001d�A\u0014�9E9Oz@E8s��`8d�x�j`�<rq... etc'

How do I read that as a JPEG?

What I'm doing is just forwarding that content as a PUT request to another endpoint. This is working, except that the image data is no readable on the new URL (which is a CouchDB document attachment).

My PUT request looks like this:

    url: newDocUrl + '/' + aName + "?rev=" + resRev,
    method: 'PUT',
    headers: headersAttachment, //{'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg'}
    body: attachment
}, function(e, r, b) {
    console.log('body', b);

Questions: How do I read JPEG data from an HTTP res? What format should JPEG data be to forward an image? (i.e. base64, hex, something else?)


  • I found the answer here:

    Node.js get image from web and encode with base64

    I didn't know that request.js encodes URL responses. By turning it off the image was posted fine.