let's say I have main folder with many subfolders and inside them there are excel files. I want to change a certain part of filenames in all subfolders. I tried my best, but I am a new to Batch and I have no idea how to solve it. For example: - present version file123 2016.xlsx - expected version file123 2017.xlsx
My attempt:
@echo off
cd C:\example\
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set var1=2016
Set var2=2017
for /r %%G in (*.xlsx) do (
set "filename=%%G"
ren "!filename!" "!filename:%var1%=%var2%!"
Let me know if you've got any solution! Thx! :)
There is a trailing space in your line Set var1=2016
. Batch is very picky about spaces, so the space is part of the variable. To avoid this, use the following syntax:
set "var1=2016"
Another error:
ren /?
says: ren [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
You can't give a path for the destination name.
Try this:
for /r %%G in (*.xlsx) do (
set "filename=%%~nxG"
ren "%%G" "!filename:%var1%=%var2%!"
gives you name and extension only.