I am having the next problem using Retrofit 2 beta 2:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: API interfaces must not extend other interfaces.
This is because I have one interface for the API of Retrofit like this:
public interface RetrofitBaseAPI {
Call<LoginResp> login(@Url String url, @Body LoginReq loginReq);
Call<String> logout(@Url String url, @Header("Cookie") String sid);
For example, one of them is this one:
public interface RetrofitWiserLinkAPI extends RetrofitBaseAPI {
Call<DeviceId> getDeviceIdentification(@Header("Cookie") String sid);
And then, I have three other interfaces, the three of them extends from this RetrofitBaseAPI interface.
When I try to call the retrofit.create(Class class) with the given interface, I always receive this error.
As far as I was reading, the only solution is to create three independents interfaces. Is it true? Anybody knows another solution?
I find a little bit weird that we need to duplicate code, but well, maybe there is a reason I don't understand.....
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Same problem using the final Retrofit 2 release version. I guess it is a limitation from Retrofit....
It's not possible to have a base Retrofit interface.
JakeWharton - the author of Retrofit:
Retrofit favors composition over inheritance. One interface per service.
So as you already found out, the only solution is to create three independents interfaces.