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How to generate random looking unique identifiers that match a given pattern

I have a users table and I need to create a unique, random looking alphanumeric "id" for each user (they already have autoincrementing ids as usually). This identifier must:

  • Be unique
  • Be random looking
  • Match the pattern AAAA-1234 (4 letters, 4 numbers)

Is there a better way than to keep randomly generating strings until I find one that is not in the database yet?


  • Assign each user an integer in boring old sequential order (or use that other id you mentioned). Call it $x.

    Set $x = (($x + 2135587861) * 2654435769) & 0xffffffff.

    Set $x = $x ^ ($x >> 15).

    Set $x = (($x + 2135587861) * 2654435769) & 0xffffffff again.

    Calculate $x % 26 and choose a letter a-z based on the result. Set $x = $x / 26. Repeat four times (I don't know PHP, so you get verbal instructions here).

    Calculate $x % 10 and choose a digit 0-9 based on the result. Set $x = $x / 10. Repeat four times.

    First six results I get are:


    It's not exactly perfect, but it's non-obvious. Perhaps that's sufficient.

    Also, it only works for the first 4 billion(ish) users before you get collisions, but that's only a little way off of the limit of the string format anyway.