I'm currently trying to deploy to Heroku and after a few tries, I'm getting an error >> [DEPRECATION] requiring "RMagick" is deprecated. Use "rmagick" instead
I'm a newbie to this, so I need someone to explain what I'm doing wrong and what I need to change.
Thanks in advance!
In my Gemfile, this is the only line that has anything to do with rmagick
gem 'rmagick'
And in my ImageUploader file, I have this line
include CarrierWave::RMagick
That's about it.
Any help would be appreciated!
I think it's because your CarrierWave version is locked to a version your Gemfile. The issue was fixed with CarrierWave Backport
What happens when you remove the version of CarrierWave and delete your Gemfile.lock
then run bunle install