I have a very weird problem here pertaining to ServiceStack.Text's serializer.
Suppose I have two classes, one called Person
and another called Address
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string,object> ExtraParams { get; set; }
public class Address
public string StreetName { get; set; }
In one of the methods I do this
var john = new Person
Name: "John",
ExtraParameters: new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "AddressList", new List<Address>{
new Address{ StreetName : "Avenue 1" }
I am using ServiceStack's ORMLite too. Now the problems comes when I try to retrieve the data from the database and cast it back to dictionary:
//save to database
var id = db.Save(john)
//retrieve it back
var retrieved = db.SingleById<Person>(id);
//try to access the Address List
var name = retrieved.Name; //this gives "John"
var address = retrieved.ExtraParameters["AddressList"] as List<Address>; //gives null always , due to typecasting failed.
When I try to debug, the ExtraParameters is a Dictionary
, with key
named "AddressList", but the value
is actually a string - "[{StreetName:"Avenue 1"}]"
Any ideas where have I done wrong? I have looked up and down on SO about typecasting on the objects and dictionaries, but none of them seemed to have the same issue as I do.
I have set the following configs:
JsConfig.ExcludeTypeInfo = true;
JsConfig.ConvertObjectTypesIntoStringDictionary = true;
While what Demiz said is true - that Inheritance in DTO is bad, I would really want to post a more accurate answer for the question just in case anyone really needs it.
Set the following flags:
JsConfig.ExcludeTypeInfo = false; //this is false by default
JsConfig.ConvertObjectTypesIntoStringDictionary = true; //must set this to true
For List of objects
that happens to be serialized, you would need to deserialize it as a list of objects first and cast each one of it back to the original class:
//save to database
var id = db.Save(john);
//retrieve it back
var retrieved = db.SingleById<Person>(id);
//try to access the Address List
var name = retrieved.Name; //this gives "John"
//cast it to list of objects first
var tempList = retrieved.ExtraParameters["AddressList"] as List<object>;
//cast each of the objects back to their original class;
var address = tempList.Select(x=> x as Address);
Hope this one helps whoever needs it in the future.