and sry in advance because i'm new here and i'm completly new in php/ajax coding.
I use a free script (Ajax vote up/down) from this site
I have a simple php page for my shoutcast server to show the song played
require_once "inc.php";
$array = array(); // Let's store our shoutcast variables into an array.
$array['host'] = ""; // Your Shoutcast Host
$array['port'] = "xxxx"; // Your Shoutcast Port
$array['extra'] = "/admin.cgi?sid=1&mode=viewxml&page=1"; // The bit that follows in the url to access the xml of the stats
$array['user'] = "xxxxx"; // Admin username (Default is usually "admin")
$array['password'] = "xxxxxxx"; // Admin Password
$radioStats = new radioStats( $array['host'], $array['port'], $array['extra'], $array['user'], $array['password']);
$returnStats = $radioStats->returnStats();
$song = $returnStats['currentSong'];
<div align="center">
<script src="">
<link href="votingfiles/voting.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="votingfiles/voting.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
function cache_clear()
<div id="radio_stats">
if( $returnStats['serverStatus'] != 0 ) {
if( $returnStats['currentSong'] != "" ) {
echo $returnStats['currentSong'];
} else {
echo "Undefined";
<br /><br />
<div class="vot_updown1" id="vt_$song"></div>
else {
This radio server appears to be offline.
My problem is : All request Php/ajax/mysql works but actually when i make a vote, it's registered in the db like :
vt_$song 1 0
How can i do to get the real name of the song like the original php request do :
echo $returnStats['currentSong']; or echo $song;
To register in the db like :
vt_Kidd Guti-Step Everything 1 0 (or any other song played)
Example : [HERE]
Thanks in advance for any help.
In this line the $song
is not parsed as PHP so the literal text $song
is showing:
<div class="vot_updown1" id="vt_$song"></div>
<div class="vot_updown1" id="vt_<?php echo $song; ?>"></div>